很高興高達美在香港有大長今綽號,並且有小小的粉絲圈。她的2013至2018 Corcellette 都獲得葡萄酒巨擘珍西斯.羅便遜打17分 (滿分20)。2018的旗艦標Paserelle 577打18分。出道6年,她的酒被珍西斯評為當世最具格調、最優雅之一。
口之於味,各有好尚;我第一次喝她的 Morgan du Py 2013, 還以為是一瓶 Pommard . Grand Cras 更是豐腴可人。從她的初始年份2013開始,看著她一年比一年精進, 真後悔沒有存一條龍。
她的2019剛剛罐瓶,可以公開發售。去年失收的Grand Cras, 今年回來了。年產量不過一萬瓶,別錯過!
Dae Jang Geum’s 2019 Debut
When a bottle of wine begins to have a nick name, it means that the local drinkers have accepted it.
I am very happy that Mee Godard has the nickname of Dae Jang Geum in Hong Kong and has a small fan circle. Her Corcellette from 2013 to 2018 received 17 points (out of 20) from wine giant Jancis Robinson. 2018's flagship Paserelle 577 scored 18 points. After 6 years of harvest, her wine was regarded as one of the classiest in the world by Jancis.
After all, taste is very personal. I drank her Morgan du Py 2013 for the first time, and thought it was a bottle of Pommard. Grand Cras is supple and voluptuous. Watching her first vintage since 2013, her wine is progressing beautifully and sophisticatedly, I regret so much that I forgot to keep a vertical.
Her 2019 has just been bottled and is available. Grand Cras, which was not made last year, came back this year. The annual production is only around 10,000 bottles, don't miss it!

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