得分98 不消200
98 Scores Less Than 200
Many men divide wine into men's and women's instead of masculine and feminine. They think that wines that are delicate, subtle, rich in floral aroma, and restrained in alcohol are called women's wines; maybe it is because of my fragile heart, but I always feel that this comparison is derogatory.
In order to cater to wine lovers who love domineering style, Montalbera Winery blended 30% of the powerful Barbara grapes and 70% of the delicate Ruche to create a new label "Fouri Catalogo"; as expected, it received a mixed response of both strength and softness. The effect is irresistible. It was also rated 98 points (99 full points) by the authoritative Italian wine critics Luciano Marconi and Luciano Gardini.
It is believed that Ruche is a mutation of Pinot Noir in Italy, she is extremely tolerant and can handle all kinds of ingredients and cooking methods from all over the world, especially Chinese cuisine. The voluptuous Barbera adds structure to her chiseled look. The fruity aroma is rich, full of apricots and red berries, and the taste is delicate and generous at the same time, like jam.
This Mid-Autumn Festival, it is ideal to choose "Fuori Catalogo “as a gift or for personal use. Excellent value for money! Stock is limited, don’t miss it!

Montalbera Fuori Catalogo Piemonte Rosso DOC 2020
蒙特芭拉 出格 皮埃蒙特紅DOC 2020
1 btl HKD 248.00
6 btl HKD 1,328.00
12 btl HKD2,361.00
Terms and Conditions 條款:
-Limited HK inventory.香港存貨有限。
-Availability upon written confirmation 供應量須書面確認。
-100 advance payment to secure order百分百預付以確認訂單。
-Minimum order for free delivery HK Island HKD3000/ Kln HKD 4000/ NT HKD 5000, other wise, delivery charge will be added : HK Island HKD 120/ KLN HKD 200 / NT HKD 400。港島訂單HKD3000/九龍HKD000/新界HKD5000免費送貨。否則附加運費港島HKD120/九龍HKD200/ 新界HKD400。