大香檳莊一般都強調他們勾兌的工藝,鮮有提及風土(terroir) 。 理由很簡單, 因為他們泰半的葡萄或酒底,都是從區內各處的農戶收購回來。很多農戶都是長年包產的。 所以在收成的季節如果遇上下霜, 即便葡萄不夠熟,也馬上收割,以保證供銷。這也解釋為什麼製造香檳的過程中有”餵糖“ ( dosage ) 這個步驟。即是說,假如葡萄不夠熟不夠甜,最後的工序還是可以修正。
小農香檳的可愛處,第一,葡萄園是自己的,農戶當然愛護有加,第二,葡萄園就在酒廠旁,農戶可以逐一粒一粒的葡萄在最完美的成熟度下採集。夠熟的葡萄不需要“餵糖”, 也就沒有“上頭” 的問題。第三,自己的品牌、自己的土地、祖傳的秘方,風格更有個性。
其實香檳也有法定的等級,Cru, Premier Cru 和 Grand Cru. 只是大酒莊的宣傳攻勢確實厲害!一般飲家都忽略了!
天娜酒窖與Issa U Kitchen 誠意為您呈獻 “美哉小農香檳宴” 。七款小農香檳中,五款是Gran Cru, 四款是宣告年份,三款是白中白,其中一款2012更是譽為是世紀大年份。Issa 是一位廚藝的發燒友,他是百分百憑自己的熱忱創作讓人一試難忘的菜式,一直很低調的在美食圈中幽光潛發。 參與這次宴會的朋友,可以尊享購買小農香檳的早鳥優惠 不容錯過!
Beauty of Grower Champagne
I do not understand why Grower Champagne in HK are not so popular in HK when compared with USA and Japan as Hong Kong consumers are so famous of seeking for best value for money.
As a micro eMerchant, I somehow proud of my selection of more than 40 labels of Grower Champagne.
Big Champagne houses most of the time emphasize on their technique of blending but seldom mention terroir. I tis simply because most of their grapes or still wine is purchased from growers. Many farmers have long term contracts with the Champagne houses to supply. In case of frost or snow during harvest season, farmers will harvest immediately even the grapes are not ripe enough. This explains why we have the process of “dosage” during the making of Champagne. That means even the grapes are not ripe enough during harvest, it can still be “corrected”.
The advantages of Grower Champagne are: 1) Growers will take extra care of their own vineyard. 2) Vineyard is right next to the winery, this enables multi layer harvest. That means grower can pick berry by berry at its optimum ripeness, and the process of “dosage” can be saved. Drinkers will not have the problem of hang over. 3) Winemakers have their own traditional way passed down by ancestors, Champagne will then be with much character.
Indeed, there are official classification in Champagne: Cru, Premier Cru and Grand Cru. Drinkers do not notice because the advertisement of big houses is far too overwhelming!
Recently I have many farewell parties. Friends were happy to offer their big names collection of Champagne. Many of my less than one thousand dollars Champagne out performed big names of several thousands per bottle.
Tina Cellar and Issa U Kitchen take pride to present the “Beauty of Grower Champagne Dinner”. Among the seven labels of Grower Champagne we are going to taste, 5 are Grand Gru, 4 are declared vintage, 3 are blanc de blancs. One of the vintages 2012 is regarded as the vintage of the century. Issa is a talented chef. He creates his unforgettable dishes according to his passion and has been glowing in a low key among the culinary circle. Guest may enjoy exclusive Early Bird offer of Grower Champagne.
Date: 13 August 2022 Saturday
Time: 5:00pm
Address: Unit 18 18/F Block A Wah Lok Industrial Centre 37-41 Shan Mei Street Fo Tan
Transportation: Railway Fo Tan 10 mins walk or Taxi
Cost: HKD1680 per head
Welcome Drink: Champagne Gratiot Almanach No.3
Duck Liver Parfait
Champagne Jose Dhondt Blan de Blanc Brut NX Grand Cru Oger
Slice Octopus with Mixed Herbs
Slow Cooked Turnip mixed herbs, Cream Butter and Chorizo Oil
Champagne Le Brun Servenay Blanc de Blancs Brut 2011 Grand Gru Avize
Lobster Ravioli
Champagne Jose DHONDT Mes Vieille Vignes Brut Blanc de Blancs 2017 Grand Cru Oger Magnum
Pan Fried Thread Fin
Champagne Le Brun Servenay Exhilarate VV 2012
Chicken Sichuan Style
Champagne Gratiot Secret Almanach 2012 - 100% Pinot Meunier
Chest Nut
Champagne Jose Dhondt Rose de Saignee NV Brut Grand Cru Oger