在我初出茅廬的日子,先後效力於不同的酒行。規模都比較大,賣的是比較商業化的葡萄酒。在商言商,作為供銷商對產品一般都是隱惡揚善。當然市務部也教營業員避重就輕 ,不會對員工灌輸100%的事實。沒有欺騙,只是沒有告訴你全部的真相。
- 不過度耕耘,維持每頃出產5000瓶左右的酒,其濃郁度已經是世界頂尖級的佳釀了。除非你的土地罕見地貧瘠。
- 採用原生的天然酵母。在釀酒的過程中不使用硫磺、不添加糖。讓天然酵母在瓶內自然繁殖衍生,就可以有變化多端而綿長的香氣。
- 用盡地利的葡萄酒,例如海拔高的莊園、老藤、以及火山藍礦土種出來的葡萄佔盡優勢。釀出來的酒礦物質豐富,果味濃郁。
當然其中也包括了各個酒莊的家傳工藝和秘方。讓一瓶耐陳的好酒,就如老祖母醃泡菜所用的天然防腐劑: 糖、鹽、醋、酒精。對應於葡萄酒就是糖、礦物、酸度、單寧和酒精了。決定一瓶酒的瓶齡,就要看以上元素。問題是自己的功力能不能聞出來、品出來。這當然是要鍛鍊和經驗。
現存的年份是2017, 還嫩呢!開了瓶倒5 c.c.出來後,把瓶塞好兩天後喝更理想。
Chicken Soup for Heart
When I first joined the wine trade, I worked for different MNC wine traders and sold mainly commercial wine. As a mean of marketing, it is inevitable to exaggerate the pros and hide the cons. Of course, marketers would definitely guide salesperson not to tell the whole truth during the on job training.
Official trainer of big producers taught me: You have to finish the whole bottle of wine once it is opened, otherwise the next day it will be flat. This statement can not only cover up the disadvantage of cloned yeast which will die soon and make wine loss aroma soon; but also will help you consume the wine quickly. Why not keeps spreading this message which help sales.
As I was getting more experienced, I was willing to spend more on good quality wine and drink expensive, famous big names. I kept unfinished young French big-name reds when I could not finish the whole bottle. Then I realised that it tasted even better the next day. The insolence and superficial me only thought that French big names were the ultimate wine. I thought my wine experience was at the pedestal. And I did not want to choose other wine. After drinking for more than 20 years, I found that there were a lot of good wine that could still be very good after opening for 4 weeks. They don't have to be French big names. A lot of honest small growers can make good wine with long bottle life and the price is super reasonable.
The factors that make wine with longevity include:
- Do not overharvest the vineyard and keep producing around 5000 bottles per hectare. The concentration of wine will reach world’s level, except when the vineyard is super weak and infertile.
- Use indigenous natural yeast, avoid using, added sugar, sulphur during vinification. Let natural yeasts develop inside a bottle. Then it will result in capricious, vivid and layers and long-lasting aromas in the bottle.
- Take the best advantage of the land. For example, high elevation, south facing aspect, old vine, good contour, well drained, and volcanic blue rocks, growing vine with these advantages will result in high mineral level and good concentration.
Of course, credits go to family tradition, craftsmanship and secret recipe too. To make a bottle of wine with good caller potential is quite similar to grandmother making pickles. Natural preservatives include sugar, salt, vinegar and alcohol. In terms of wine making, it would be equivalent to glucose, minerals, acidity, tannins, and alcohol Level. All these decide the longevity of wine. Of course, you need to have the competence to taste and smell and decide the potential. It is definitely an acquired skill that requires practising and experience.
In 1997. Researchers has proved that resveratrol in tannin of grapes can help blood vessel expansion, lower blood clotting, decrease low density cholesterol, improve high density cholesterol, antioxidant and prevent heart disease. Many doctors suggest that four ounces dosage of natural red grape wine is a very healthy and save quantity for the well-being. The question is: Where to find a safe and economical red wine?
Domaine les Roches Bleues should be on the list. It is in the Cote de Brouilly region of Beaujolais, 400 meters sea elevation. It is a husband-and-wife small producer. The couple insists on using traditional craftsmanship to make their wine. The vineyard is much blessed in the high fertility because of the natural blue volcanic soil. It is so fertile that its natural immunity helps the vineyard escape from the disaster of phylloxera of the 60’s. The vines are as old as 90 years. Their wine is rich and masculine, it is also very pleasant and appealing with apparent strawberry notes. The cellar potential is pretty high. Its aromas last even for more than a month after opening. This is ideal for lonely drinkers who take a small glass each time. Let’s make a bet if you doubt!
Remember: Please do not vacuum the bottle! Natural aerobic yeasts need a little oxygen to develop slowly. Vacuuming the bottle will leave no oxygen and suffocate aerobic yeasts and encourage anaerobic yeasts which are normally unpleasant in smell. All you need to do is to shut the bottle with the original cork.

藍巖酒莊 寶祖麗 布魯伊丘 2017 0.75
Domaines Les Roches Bleues Cote de Brouilly Reserve 2017 0.75
特價有效期至2023年3 月21日
Special offer valid until 21 March 2023
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