阿爾薩斯的鴻“ CULT”
“緋紅人生”是用100%瓊瑤漿白葡萄釀制出來的桃紅酒。打開瓶蓋,荔枝蜜糖白玫瑰的香氣蜂擁而至。當你以為她是甜品酒的時候,口感上卻辛乾如石頭,中斷和尾端有待量的香料和果子。本來嘛!德語 Gewurz就是好多香料的意思。從西班牙甜蝦到日本和牛柳,她都一樣應付裕如。這個情人節,剛巧在平日。如果不想外出燭光晚餐。不妨在家開一瓶。與拖友撐枱腳?喝不完一瓶怎辦?沒問題。這酒莊採用最先進的玻璃瓶蓋。喝不完,蓋上蓋子。又可以多放一個月。Demeter的生物動力學酒,純天然原生酵母。香味可以維持很久呀!貴一點是有道理的!年產量一千-千二瓶。

The Big "CULT" of Alsace
I am pretty Snobbish, I admit . However, my selection of wine is delicious. That is why I am still surviving after 3 years epidemic.
Everyone knows that red grapes can make red wine, and white grapes can make white wine. Rosé wine can be made from red grapes, or by mixing red wine with white wine. Red grapes can be used to make white wine; just remove the red grape skins when macerating . However, can white wine make rosé wine?
There is a crazy winemaker in Alsace who uses 100% white grapes to make rosé wine. The color produced is as beautiful as the sunset in winter. How can it be made? This starts with playing with the temperature when brewing. If you want to know the details, you have to come to my class.
"La Vie En Rose" is a rosé wine brewed from 100% Gewürztraminer white grapes. Once the bottle cap is opened, the aroma of lychee, honey and white rose swarms in. Just when you think that it's a dessert wine, it is as dry as a stone on the palate, with plenty of spices and fruits at the beginning and the end. Originally! Gewurz in German means a lot of spices. From Spanish sweet shrimp to Japanese wagyu fillet, she can handle it all with ease. This Valentine's Day happens to be on a weekday. If you don’t want to go out for a candlelight dinner. Why not open a bottle at home and share with your loved one. What if I can’t finish a bottle? No problem. This producer uses state-of-the-art glass bottle caps. If you can't finish drinking, close the lid. You can keep it for another month. Demeter's level biodynamic wine, with pure natural indigenous yeast. The fragrance lasts for a long time! It makes sense to be more expensive! The annual output is 1000 to 1200 bottles.

Laurent Bannwarth La Vie En Rose 2018 0.75
羅蘭班威夫 緋紅人生 桃紅酒 2018 0.75
1瓶 1 Bottle HKD 488
6瓶 6 Bottles HKD 2568 Average 均價 HKD428
12 瓶 12 bottles HKD 4656 Average 均價 HKD388
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- On Stock HK .香港現貨
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