情 色 酒 語
龍德拉堡的當家Frederic Renoux 真的是個鬼才,我一向追捧自然派,他的《純漿》的純度是我所品過最乾淨而又精彩的白葡萄酒;卻是他們的入門標。反而他的尊貴系列《寶餮》卻被忽略。《寶餮》白很多酒友都領略過她的澎湃;他的紅造得一年比一年精彩。2013 更是大放異彩。也是一個GMS的配方( 格納殊、慕維特、施赫),但把玩施赫的滑、厚、和甘草般撩人追飲,卻是罕見。絲絨感非常立體。 直接而奔放的果香,綿軟細滑,真的像少女的皮膚。
Erotic Wine Talks
Many French wine grapes are much better developed in exotic land. They perform even better than in their homeland. Except Viognier, Grenache, and Pinot Noir, I still think France has its own unique features. If the you have a more exciting experience, please enlighten me!
The most talked about example, maybe everyone agrees that it is Syrah. Whether Syrah or Shiraz, they are all the same varietal. This was soaring in Australia; the nearly unreachable, such as Penfolds, and the price friendly ones such as Fox Creek, received rave reviews.
Why can they out shine Syrah in France? French Syrah is often described as licorice, not only because she has the aroma of licorice, but also has the sensation of real licorice that slightly piercing the throat. The tingling feeling in the after-taste lures you keep sipping. It is because French Syrah is very elusive during the maturation period inside the bottle, polyphenols change to glucose very suddenly, and the osmotic effect will break Syrah thick cell wall. The broken cells are angular, which creates a tingling feeling. Slippery and thorny, indeed sultry. To describe it as velvet, it is slippery and fluffy, which is indeed appropriate.
However, the most hateful thing about French Syrah is: you don't know when she got matured, nor when her climax slipped. Lascivious men describe it as a young girl's passion, slow heat and quickly go out. Whether this is the case, you have to ask the great lover Casanova.
Frederic Renoux, the wine maker of Chateau Landra, is really a genius. I have always sought after naturalism. The purity of his "Pur Jus” is the cleanest and one of the most wonderful white wine I have ever tasted; but it is their entry level label. Instead, his premium series “Les Boutieres “was under-rated. Many of my wine buddies have experienced the surging of the “Les Boutieres “Blanc. His red is becoming more and more exciting year by year. 2013 is even more brilliant. It is also a GMS formula (Grenache, Mouverde, Syrah), but few can play with Syrah’s smoothness, richness, and turn it into licorice-like sultry drink. The velvet feel is very three-dimensional. The direct and unrestrained fruity fragrance, soft and smooth, really resembles a young girl's skin.
You may wonder, how do you know all these details about Syrah grapes? Quite simply, the shortcut to learning a language is to date a dictionary. My ex’s graduation thesis was the licorice taste of Syrah grape.
Chateau Landra A.O.P Ventoux Les Boutieres Rouge 2013
龍德拉堡 寶餮雅 紅 旺圖村

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