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迎秋送夏 海鮮抓抓 Finger Sucking Seafood Dinner

迎秋送夏 海鮮抓抓

在人人北上消費的熱潮中,除了睇樓買送掃街以外,也有適合文青的消遣。在珠海的北山大院,發現了一家還有意思的餐廳。老闆娘莉莉相夫教子二十年,孩子們出身後,立志創建自己的事業。在無師自通的情況下,創辦了《獅大俠》海鮮餐廳,主攻美式,除了莉莉別出心裁的室內設計外,有趣的是:快。一大袋海鮮哇啦哇啦的堆在桌上用手吃。爽 !首創的冰葡撻,賣得街知巷聞。


心動不如行動;我們誠意邀請到莉莉親臨南丫島,親自監製,為酒迷們呈獻 《海鮮抓抓宴》。


日期: 2024年8月24日 星期六

時間:5:30 pm -8:30pm

地點: 南丫漁村酒家   Lot 584 索罟灣 南丫島

費用: HKD 338+10%



Finger Sucking Seafood Dinner


With everyone heading north for shopping,  properties viewing and dinning, there are also cultural pastimes . I found an interesting restaurant in Beishan Daiyuan in Zhuhai. The proprietress Lily used to be a full time mum for twenty years. After the children have finished college, she determined to start her own business. Without training nor experience , she founded the "Master Lion" seafood restaurant, which specializes in American cuisine. Beside the original interior design the cutest part of her restaurant  is that : simply  pile the seafood on the table and eat with hands. Cool ! And the Ice Portuguese Egg Custard she invented is super popular.

Put this scene on the pier of Genuine Lamma Hilton, watching the sunset, drinking my selection of wine, listening to the sound of waves, and bathing in the sea breeze, it will be a rare and cozy experience!

To put this idea into action; we sincerely invite Lily to visit Lamma Island to personally supervise the production and present "Finger Sucking Seafood Dinner " to wine fans.



Date: Saturday, August 24, 2024

Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm

Location: Lamma Fishing Village Restaurant Lot 584 Sok Kwu Wan Lamma Island

Fee: HKD 338+10%

menu: See above


Terms & Conditions 條款:  

- Advance payment to secure seat. 预付款以确保座位。 

-72 hours’ notice before event requested in case of cancellation. 如果取消,需在在活动开始72 小时或之前通知。 

- If the event has to be called off due to Force Majeure, such as riot, war, pandemic, extreme weather condition or natural disaster, customer may redeem products of same value or keep the credit for upcoming event within 90 calendar days. 如果活动因不可抗力而不得不取消,例如骚乱、战争、流行病、极端天气条件或自然灾害,客户可在 90日内兑换相同价值的产品或保留即将举行活动的權利。





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