搞搞震 有幫襯
記得他曾經是7個年份的Dom Perignon 的首席釀酒師嗎?興許他被啟發於香檳的黑裏白。(100%紅葡萄釀出白色的氣酒),在隆尼河谷也來個黑裏白。新作Almutia Clair-Obscur NV他用了40%黑格納殊、20%施赫、10%灰格納殊、10%慕維特、10% 羅珊 、和10% 白格納殊。不銹鋼缸低溫釀製,不用木桶,原汁原味。蘋果、啤梨為主調、穿梳著橘子和金銀花的香氣。
Almutia Clair-Obscur 如果直譯,可以叫“紫袍昏黃”。Almutia是中世紀的僧侶的紫色帶帽子的僧袍,用來遮著他們蒼白的臉色。喝夏維雅的酒,真是飲酒學拉丁。
Let’s Drink and Mess Around
The mischievous Xavier has something new up his sleeve!
Remember his Chateauneuf-du-Pape white wine? 11 different varieties of white grapes were used to produce a dry white with endless flavours, which still makes me thirsty.
Remember that he used to be the Master Blender for 7 vintages of Dom Perignon? Perhaps he was inspired by the Blanc de Noir of Champagne, (100% red grapes make white sparkling wine),and he makes a Blanc de Noir in the Rhone Valley. For his new work, Almutia Clair-Obscur NV, he used 40% Black Grenache, 20% Syrah, 10% Grenache Gris, 10% Mouverde, 10% Roussane, and 10% Grenache Blanc. Macerated at low temperature in stainless steel tanks, no oak barrels are used, and the taste is authentic. The key notes are apple and pear, with hints of citrus and honeysuckle.
“Almutia Clair-Obscur” if translated literally, it can be called "purple robe and dim yellow". Almutia is the purple hooded robe worn by medieval monks to cover their pale white faces. Drinking Xavier's wine is like learning Latin.
Xavier's consistent style is "nature is philosophy" and has never disappointed anyone. If you want to surprise your wine buddies at the wine parties, Don’t miss it!

Xavier Vignon Almutia Clair – Obscur NV A.O.P. Chateauneuf -du -Pape Blanc 0.75L
夏維雅 紫袍昏黃 教皇新堡乾白 0.75L
Original Price 原價 HKD 450/blt
- Special offer applies to minimum order of 6 bottles.
- Special offer last until 27 October 2023
- 100% advance payment to secure order
Terms and Conditions:
- Limited Stock . 100% pre pay to secure order. 香港現貨,數量有限 100% 預付
-First come first serve, goods sell while stock last.先到先得,售完即止
-Minimum order for free delivery for HK 3000/ Kln 4000/ NT 5000 Surcharge will be added for order lower than MOQ : HKD120 HL/ HKD 200 KLN/ HKD 300 NT 享受本地免運費,必須訂滿 港島HKD3000, 九龍HKD4000, 新界HKD5000. 訂額不足會有附加費: 香港島HK120, 九龍 HKD200, 新界HKD300
-Shipping cost of non-HK area will be quoted separately. 香港以外的訂單運費另報