戀戀櫻花 戀戀京都
清酒不是我的專長,第一次是跟Xavier Vignon 在澳門喝的,大家都覺得驚艷。之後在港澳市面上也找不到 ,托朋友從日本帶回來。後來才明白為什麼這麼好的酒不常見,很可能是因為貨期短,而且要像白葡萄酒冷藏。一般的烈酒店和日本食品店不一定有電子酒窖。
泊雲是為了賞櫻而炮製小鼓系列,建議喝新鮮釀製的佳釀,所以為了保持新鮮,酒莊一年四季也會釀這酒。小鼓系列有“桃花“ 和 ”黑牡丹“。桃花比較輕盈,宜餐前。剛勁的”黑牡丹“是用曾經一度瀕臨絕種的“ 但馬強力” 米種釀製。西山家對保育這米種功不可沒。因為他們在兵庫縣是大地主,有資源支持保育行動。
路上有花小鼓.葵,是精選當地出產的肥大米粒的山田錦,精米50%, 加上當地特有的原生天然酵母小川10號,和非常柔軟的竹田川地下水釀製的。這地下水純凈而且隱約有一股梅子鮮香。
一如西山泊雲自我評價: 小鼓不是你一生要喝一次的酒,而是一生人都要再飲的酒。
雖然不能去日本賞櫻,希望“葵” 可以為您帶來櫻絮紛飛的浪漫意境。畢竟是出自詩人的手筆喔!起碼鼎鼎大名的Xavier Vignon, 喝完這酒在馬路中心載歌載舞。
Love Sakura Love Kyoto
At this time in previous years, I dare say that 5% of Hong Kong people would enjoy watching Sakura in Kyoto. It's a pity that this year we cannot go. To sooth yourself for missing Sakura, I have an idea.
Located in Hyogo county, Tamba city, Nishiyama Winery was founded in 1842. It has been adhering to the traditional technique of combining water, rice, people, and generations of refined craftsmanship to make extremely harmonious sake.
The third generation chief, Nishiyama Hakuun and his younger brother Hakugatsu both loved poetry and art. Hakugatsu published his poems under the author name as Nomura; they were the ambassadors of the Azalea style poems. The brothers had the reputation of "The Nishiyama Duo", and they are good friends of the famous poet, Takahama Kyoshi, of their time. On the occasion of a Sake and Zen party, Takahama improvised the inscription "Little Drum", because "Little Drum" is the same as "here" in Japanese, and the name of the sake "Little Drum" means that here is good wine. His calligraphy is still exhibited in the winery.
“Flowers on the road “is quoted from a Japanese Zen master. "There are flowers on the road and wine." It means that even a simple flower can move and enlighten people.
The design of package is a creation of the famous artist Miankan Hiroshi, which is permeated with existentialism.
Sake is not my specialty. The first time I drank it in Macau with Xavier Vignon, everyone was amazed. I couldn't find it on the Hong Kong and Macao market since my first tasting. My friend brought me some from Japan. Later I realized why such good Sake is not seen, most likely because of the short shelf life and the need to refrigerate it like white wine. General liquor store, ryokan and Japanese food stores usually do not have electronic wine cellars.
Hakuun concocts “Little Drum” series specially for Sakura viewing. It is recommended to drink when freshly brewed, so in order to keep it fresh, the winery makes this Sake throughout the year. This series include "Peach Blossom" and "Black Peony". Peach blossoms are lighter and should be served before meals. Powerful "Black Peony" is made from "Tajima Goriki" rice varietal that was once extinct. The Nishiyama family contributed to the conservation of this rice, because they are pretty well-off landlords in Hyogo county, they have the resources to support the conservation.
“Flowers On the road. Little Drum. Aoi”, is made from indigenous top rice, 50% polished, plus local native yeast Ogawa No. 10, and the very soft Takeda River artesian water. Such water is pure, soft and faintly fragrant with a hint of peach blossom.
The floral notes are overwhelming, especially the Sakura and Peony, and the pear and banana notes are elegant and subtle. The taste is warm and soft, and it slips into the throat for a long time. It is slim and delicate, and the aroma changes with temperature and oxidation degree, naturally balance and harmony. This is a fascinating bottle that can be enjoyed all night.
Just like Hakuun comments: The “Little Drum” is not the wine you have to drink once in your life, but the wine you have to drink again in your life.
Although you can't go to Japan for the picturesque falling Sakura, I hope that "Aoi" can bring you a romantic ambience. After all, it was made by the poet! At least, renowned French wine maker Xavier Vignon, sang and danced in the centre of the road after drinking Aoi.
路上有花.小鼓.葵 純米大吟釀

- 100% advance payment .百分百預付
- Limited stock in HK, first come first serve. 香港現貨有限,先到先得
- Minimum order of HKD 3000 for free local delivery for HK & Kowloon urban areas. 港幣三千元以上訂單香港九龍市區免運費
- Macau and PRC deliveries and duty to be quoted separately. 澳門內地稅費運費另報