趁留家廚房剛出新菜式,天娜酒窖精選5款酒, 配搭美食。木乃伊價(全包)每位$888。座位有限,別錯過唷!
Mid Summer Night Wine
A glass of wine makes your mid-summer night dream sweeter.
The temperate in Jun reached 33 degrees! Most probably, staying in the air conditioned room for fine food and wine is better than going to the beach to fight the heat wave.
We have not met our wine buddies for quite a while. It is time to drink together again.
We take the opportunity of the new menu debut of the Kin’s Kitchen to choose 5 labels of wine to pair with.
Mummy price (all inclusive) HK$ 888 per guest. Make haste to enroll, seats are limited!
Date 日期 : 4 July 2023
Time 時間: 7:00pm
Venue 地點: Kin’s Kitchen 留家廚房 (灣仔軒尼詩道314-324號W.Square 5樓)
Price 費用 : HKD 888 / head
菜 單

Terms & Conditions 條款:
- Advance payment to secure seat. 预付款以确保座位。
-72 hours’ notice before event requested in case of cancellation. 如果取消,需在在活动开始72 小时或之前通知。
- If the event has to be called off due to Force Majeure, such as riot, war, pandemic, extreme weather condition or natural disaster, customer may redeem products of same value or keep the credit for upcoming event within 90 calendar days. 如果活动因不可抗力而不得不取消,例如骚乱、战争、流行病、极端天气条件或自然灾害,客户可在 90日内兑换相同价值的产品或保留即将举行活动的權利。