校長到 !
套用一句俗語,在香港喝紅酒,不認識劉致新劉校長真的好打有限。今次我們旗下的“秘撈”酒:波爾多卡繆酒莊的“變奏”2017 得到校長的青睞,選入美酒海鮮宴的菜單中,假座我們家的破館子《南丫島漁村酒家》舉辦美酒海鮮宴;以超值價為大家導賞。
Principal is Coming to Country!
Do not claim that you are a wine fan if you do not know Mr. Chi Sun Lau, the Principal in Hong Kong.
We are fortunate that Domaine Les Carmels Les Caprice 2017 is chosen on Principal Lau’s carefully selected menu of the Lamma Seafood Feast to be held in our humble and rustic restaurant , The Genuine Lamma Hilton . With a super friendly price, Principal Lau will guide us for the food and wine pairing.
With the heart melting weather, blooming seaweed, flabby rabbit fish, good wine good food good company, how can you resist?