向茶師姐大舉入貨,師姐送我一個日本陶瓷茶罐,回家興高采烈的將茶葉放入茶罐內。糟糕!忘記為茶葉和茶罐檢疫!! 茶香過了兩天都消失了!
葡萄酒也好、茶葉也好。如果是純天然的,都會有暈浪的現象 !經過長途跋涉,和不同的氣候,茶與葡萄酒都會“水土不服” , 因為天然的茶與酒都附有肉眼看不見的酵母株,對外部的環境會有反應。所以儲存的環境很講究。茶更麻煩,因為沒有玻璃瓶的保護,視乎茶的品種,每每都要用陶瓷、紫砂、錫罐來保護。論敗家,茶可以遠遠超過酒。
Stun Without Borders
If I remember correctly, Clark Oz used to describe the Sauvignon Blanc of Cloudy Bay , New Zealand, as " Cat Pee in the Gooseberry Bushes” The Chief Executive Shit Shovel Officers all know that the smell of the pee of a healthy Lord Meow is indeed like ripe passion fruit and gooseberry. I have always thought that people who don’t drink and don’t keep cats will not be able to experience it until I meet the superb 1,000-year-old tree Yunnan Black Tea. OMG! The package was opened before brewing, and the aroma of Aussie and Kiwi Sauvignon Blanc burst. After brewing, the yellow magnolia scent is carried through, and it penetrates the heart and lungs, and it is really breathtaking. Haha! This time, people who don’t drink can taste the lord’s urine.
Afterall Thousand-Year-Old Tree tea are of great value, a bit reluctant to treat. Then I met Yunnan Black Tea, a 400 year old tree. In terms of consistency, texture, and connotation, of course it is inferior to the Millennium Tree. But the first note of Sauvignon Blanc is 90% resembled. The price is also decent, this time I can be generous.
I bought a considerable amount from my Senior Tea Classmate. She gave me a Japanese ceramic tea pot. I went home and happily put the tea into the tea pot. Bloody hell! Forget about quarantining tea leaves and tea cans! The fragrance of tea disappeared after two days!
No matter wine or tea, if it is natural, there will be sea sickness! After a long journey and different climates, tea and wine will be "unacceptable", because natural tea and wine are accompanied by yeast strains that are invisible to the naked eye and will respond to the external environment. So the storage environment is very particular. Tea is more troublesome, because there is no protection of glass bottles. Depending on the type of tea, ceramics, purple clay, and pewter cans are used to protect them. On prodigal, tea can far exceed wine.
Obviously, my four-hundred-year Yunnan Black Tea’s Anti-Japanese complex was deeply attached. As a result, I whimpered to buy a new purple clay pot, put two teaspoons of tea in it first, waited three or four days after it had cultivated a sufficient population of yeast strains, and it began to have the tea aroma that it should have before putting the rest of the tea in. Anyone who loves keeping gold fish will understand that old and new fish cannot be in the same tank immediately. Aleluyeh! This batch of tea was saved. The fragrance of Sauvignon Blanc is back.
Regardless of whether it is wine or tea, the correct step is to let them settle in a proper environment before enjoying it. When the tea arrives, you don't have to rush to change the packaging, let him settle and activate the indigenous yeast before putting them in the prepared tea pot.
This tea sold out soon. New goods have just arrived. By the way, ancient tree black tea can nourish the stomach. Adding brown sugar is simply a savior to girls’ abdominal pain, and drinking it in the evening will not cause insomnia.
You who love Sauvignon Blanc will love this tea too!
雲南保山四百年古樹滇紅 2020 春茶
Yunnan Baoshan 400 Year Old Tree Black Tea 2020 Spring Harvest
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