才不到兩個月,我的“五百紅” 2021在靜靜的起了革命。
這五百年古樹滇紅讓我想起了“源氏物語” 裡的紫姬。源氏公子撫養紫姬成為最完美的女性,看著她從娃娃變成少女,慢慢的步入風華絕代然後娶了她。不是人人都有這種艷福。收藏這茶幻想一下也蠻不錯。
The Ever Changing Black Tea
After my article < <Another Tea Ceremony Lesson >> which talks about the Yunnan 500 Years Old Ancient Arbor Black Tea 2021, I learned the second lesson today.
In less than two months time, my “Five Hundred Years Old Black Tea 2021” underwent a silent revolution.
Due to the last lesson I learnt, I did not quarantine the container before I put in tea; I let my newly brought tea settle first, then look for a nice container and prepare it before putting tea in for ageing. Today I opened the bag and my nose was overwhelmed by the aromas. The first note was very delicate rose, then Lychee and Sauvignon like honey. I expected this would happen after a year and it surprised me. After all, Hong Kong’s climate is much warmer and more humid than Yunnan.
I played with this tea several times and I discovered some tricks. You have to use porcelain covered bowl. Water for first infusion should be 85-95 degree centigrade. Do not make second infusion immediately. Allow time to let leaves stretch and oxidize. It is exactly like decanting a bottle of red wine. One hour later, I used 75-80 degree hot water to make the second infusion. Aromas of orchid was obvious with reminiscent of cocoa. Then I went to work. When I came back (6 hours later) and drank the remaining half cup of the second infusion, mama mia! The delicate scent of rose, lychee, mulberry and wine like honey burst! This dude evolved much specularly in the cup. Then I used 80 degree water to keep brewing. It offered layers of yellow magnolia, corn flower, lotus root. After the 15th brew, all leaves stretched completely. I put cold water to simmer it with low heat and stopped when it was around 75 degree. The ending was acacia buds, barley and yam. The taste of rock sugar went from the begging until the end. This tea is just two months old. I wonder how this baby beauty will develop in the up coming years.
This Five Hundred Years Ancient Arbor Yunnan Black Tea 2021 reminds me of the Murasaki in “The Tales of Genji”. The hero Genji adopts little girl Murasaki and brings her up as a perfect woman, watching her bloom from a kid to a sophisticated lady and marries her. I guess very few men will have this type of blessings in their romantic life. Why not collect this tea and associate?
I used only 3 grams to go through the above enjoyment at the cost of less than HKD 30 for 16 infusions. It is indeed cheaper than a cup of Starbucks!
Yunnan Bao Shan Five Hundred Years Old Ancient Arbor First Flush Dark Tea 2021
HKD425/ 50g
Terms and Conditions 條款:
-100% Advance payment to secure order. 百分百貨款預付確認訂單。
-Limited production, goods sell while stocks last. Fist come first serve 。產量有限,先到先得。
-Self pick up at our office on 12/F Infinitus Plaza Sheung Wan free of delivery charge. 歡迎自取,取貨地址:12/F 無限極廣場(上環地鐵站E出口)。