物輕情義重 不必送鵝毛
法國有一諺語 : 最好的香水載在最小的瓶子中。今個春節,可有想過送一份既有心又貴重的禮物,給摯愛親朋一個驚喜?
雲南昌寧五百年古樹滇紅春茶 2021
不知年 福祿壽 黑茶 茶包
揉合了廣東茶有摯愛的三大黑茶 , 40-60年的雲南普洱、廣西六堡和安徽六安勾兌出來的福祿壽茶包,既美味又養生。老茶不會讓人奮亢。
Quantity Does Not Matter But Thoughtfulness Counts
There is a French proverb: The best perfume is in the smallest bottle. This Lunar Year , have you ever thought about giving a thoughtful and valuable gift to surprise your loved ones and friends?
To celebrate the Year of the Dragon, we have carefully selected a series of healthy teas for your loved ones. They are precious and lightweight, allowing you to call at friends and familie in style.
Yunnan Mengku 300-Years-Old TreeMolie Pu'er Spring Tea 2023
Delicate lily of the valley fragrance, mellow rock sugar flavor, smooth tannins, long sweet aftertaste, and sufficient tea flavor.
Yunnan Changning 500-year-old tree Dianhong Black Spring Tea 2021
The aroma of tangy rose, magnolia, lychee, and dried longan fruit, rich and smooth tannins, sweet aftertaste, and abundant tea flavor will make you breathe like orchid. Cold brew and hot brew each have their own merits and have functions of digestion and soothing.
Age Unknown Trinity Black Tea Powder in Bags
This is a blend of the three most sought after dark teas among Cantonese tea aficionados, 40-60 years old Yunnan Pu'er, Guangxi Liubao and Anhui Lu'an. It is both delicious and healthy. Old tea has relaxing function and will not make drinker excite.
Wild Winter Honey from Ancient Forests in Yunnan Snow Mountains
Natural honey collected by hand has a wonderful fragrance and complex connotation. The smell of pollen, propolis and royal jelly is rich and distinct. Delicious and beneficial.
Xinhui Shuangshui Authentic Original Grown Mandarin Late Harvest Mandarin Peel 2015
Native Mandarin, produced from old trees, naturally grown and sun-dried, has passed EU pesticide testing. Ideal for cooking and making herbal tea.
Terms and Conditions 條款:
- Special offer valid until 14 Feb 2024. 價格有效期 至2024年2月14日。
- Self-pick up at our Sheung Wan office or arrange SF Express freight collect. 茶品不設送貨,歡迎上環自取或安排順豐到付。
-100% payment before delivery. 交貨前100%付款, 後發貨。