不開勞斯萊斯 開奔馳也不錯
If Not Rolls Royce , Benz Is Not Bad
Zýmē是當今義大利瓦爾波利切拉(Valpolicella)產區現最富有創造力、最能令人興奮的葡萄酒莊。莊主Celestino Gaspari先生的際遇羨煞旁人,占盡了天時地利人和,才華橫溢卻不忘初心,志在自成一家。他七歲時接觸葡萄酒,稚齡始學習釀酒技術,在Amarone最傳統的名莊Bertani效力三年,隨後加入了響噹噹的Amarone雙擘之一Quintarelli酒莊。我敢說,當今沒人敢挑戰Quintarelli 在該區的殿堂級地位,堪稱Valpolicella 的 Rolls Royce.
Zýmē is probably the most creative and exciting producer in Valpolicella. Wine maker Celestino Gaspari has got a very enviable life of a wine maker. Brought up form grower family, he started to grow grape at 7 , then joined famous traditional producer Betani .Later worker with one of the two most famous Valpolicella producers , Quintarelli . I dare say, no one can challenge the palace level position of Quintarelli . He is like the Rolls Royce in the region.
在Celestino遇到了Amarone教父級人物Giuseppe Quintarelli,他從師父那裡學習到的,不僅是釀造葡萄酒最基本的知識,更重要的是追求高品質的真正含義。不僅如此,Celestino在漫長的學徒生涯中,還贏得了Giuseppe女兒的芳心,成為大Q最理想的繼承人。1999年創立了自己的酒莊Zýmē。
Celestino met his mentor Guiseppe Quintarelli who is a Godfather level wine maker of Amarone. What he acquired was not only basic wine making skills but also the philosophy of the excellence to top quality. During his internship there , he won the heart of his mentor’s daughter and became the most ideal heir . In 1999 he founded his own winery Zýmē.
酒評人評價是 : 他取眾家之長,並發揮自己創意,釀造了一系列即極具創新又繼承傳統的葡萄酒,在葡萄酒界樹立了自己的流派。他的酒充滿創造性和新思維,在一個具有根深蒂固的釀酒傳統的產區做到這種境界並非易事。
Critics say that he combines all the skills of various predecessors and his own innovations and makes wine base on tradition ,plus his own creativeness, forming his own style. Imagine , it is very courageous to try new style in region of great history and tradition.
眾所周知Romano Dal Forno 是大Q的得意弟子,早已享負盛名。走的是雄渾剛勁路線。我還沒有嚐Zýmē,大師級酒評人Luca Maroni 給他的評分越來越高,從90-96。再看他的官網,有很多很多的不同的勾兌;大膽創新, 想必又是一個愛讓人驚喜的大孩子。
Everyone know that Romano Dal Forno is the proud student of Giuseppe Quintarelli and is world renowned . I have not tasted Zýmē yet. Critic Luca Maroni is giving scores higher and higher every year from 90 to 96. When I studied his official website, I found a great variety of cuvees. Very courageous and creative. I reckon he must be another surprising big boy.
且趁他還沒大紅大紫,趕快趁低吸納!價錢合理得讓人掉淚 !!!!
You will cry when you look at the price ! Let’s stock up before he is becoming too famous and price sky rockets !!
Valpolicella Ruberpan Pieropan 2015 @ HKD 340
Country Origin 原產地:
Veneto– Italy 義大利-威尼托
Varietal Grape 葡萄品種:Corvina veronese 60%, Rondinella,Corvinone e croatina 30%, Altre varietà tradizionali 5%
Tasting Note 鑒賞:
The wine aged in wood, some in barriques and some in casks, for 30 months. It then spent a further 12 months in bottle before release.
Brilliant ruby red in colour. The bouquet is full of typical cherry and strawberry fruit. The palate continues with complex layers of beautiful fruit notes and finishes with a spicy character. Ready to drink now but also has the potential to age well.
Valpolicella Superiore zyme 2012 @HKD388
Country Origin 原產地:
Veneto– Italy 意大利-威尼托
Varietal Grape 葡萄品種: Corvina 40%, Corvinone 30%, Rondinella 15%, Oseleta 10%, Croatina 5%
Tasting Note 鑒賞:
This mouthwatering red features oak spice, mocha-laced cherry, fig cake and dried thyme flavors, with creamy tannins and a subtle hint of smoky mineral. Rich in flavor, but elegant overall. A balanced wine that's hard to stop sipping. Drink now through 2025. 400 cases made.
Critic's Rating 專家點評:
WS: 91
Valpolicella Superiore zyme 2015 @ HKD 398
Country Origin 原產地:
Valpolicella DOC– Italy 意大利-瓦爾波利塞拉
Varietal Grape 葡萄品種: corvina 40%, corvinone 30%, rondinella 25%, oseleta 5%
Tasting Note 鑒賞:
The nose gives off notes of ripe cherry, cherry and plum slightly wilted and never fails to deliver its softness and its enveloping known, well accompanied by savory and spicy finale...
Terms and Conditions :
-pre-arrival products 預售貨品
-100% advance payment to secure order百分百預付確認訂單
-Availability subject to written confirmation 供應量須書面確認
-minimum order 12 bottles 最低起訂量12瓶
-Prices do not include Europe to HK consolidated air- shipping. Cost of shipping to be quoted according to order quantity separately 價格不含歐洲到香港集裝空運費用,視乎訂貨量另報
-Minimum order HKD 3000 for HK local free delivery or surcharge of HKD150 訂單三千港幣以上免本地運費, 或附加費港幣150
-In case we loss the bid , full amount to be refund without interest within 14 working days.如不中標,全數貨款14工作天以內不含利息奉還
-Macau and PRC delivery charge and duty to be quoted separately.澳門國內運費稅費另報