一個我最捨不得高調宣傳的酒莊,羅蘭班威夫,他們十分低調,祖孫三輩守著 一家、一地、一心的座右銘,同心同德釀出精品。不矯情、不刻意求工。輕描淡寫、信手拈來,率性而為卻不失公整,天真爛漫中內藏智慧。總而言之就是高!
為了讓飲家深入了解,班威夫的釀酒哲學,我們將舉辦他的瓊瑤漿深度飲。希望大家踴躍參與,更希望班威夫維持初心,成名了不要漲價 !
日期:2022年7月16日 (星期六)
時間: 12:30 pm 至3:30 pm
地點: 南丫島索罟灣漁村酒家
交通: 中環四號碼頭索罟灣線11:50航班 或 香港仔中心海傍全記街渡11:00am 航班
菜單: 點擊此處
費用: 每位HKD1128
Wine Merchant’s Dilemma
From the age of seven, I started stealing wine at my family restaurant and I have a drinking experience of half a century ! I took advantage as a wine marketer and I have drunk a lot of top fine wines. Having been in the wine industry for almost 40 years, and the greatest satisfaction is not to drink the most expensive and best wine, but the discovery of the best hidden wines that was raised in the boudoir, and I started to introduce them to drinkers to win resonance. It has been eleven years since I started my own wine business venture . I am very grateful that I have met many hidden experts, and I am grateful for their trust and let me represent them. Thanks to some competitors who took over the agency right from me. There are many producers who seek fame and fortune. Watching them fly high, I offer my sincere blessings.
It's not that I'm pretending to be generous, I've always liked to find small growers’ wineries. I love their enthusiasm, craftsmanship, creativity, and heritage. Once they forget their original intention to compete for fame and fortune, their performance will be distorted in their works, which is not the same taste at all. I believe that my die-hard fans will be able recognise them , Haha! You know!
One of the wineries that I am most reluctant to publicize is Laurent Bannwarth. They are very low-key. The grandparents and grandchildren adhere to the motto of One Family, One Terroir and One Heart, and work together to produce high-quality wine. Not pretentious, not deliberately seeking work. Understatement, easily understood, candid but fair, naïve and full of wisdom. All in all it is high!
Someone once used childishness to describe Laurent Bannwarth’s style. I beg to differ! Their purity and refinement are definitely not made by chance; they are the result of self-confidence and accumulation of hard work.
If you are still looking for richness, complexity and sculpting, Bannwarth may not be your glass of wine, maybe you need another decade of practice to experience it.
In order to give drinkers an in-depth understanding of Bannwarth’s winemaking philosophy, we will be hosting his Gewurztraminer food and wine pairing lunch. We look forward to your participation, and I hope that Bannwarth will maintain its original intention and not raise prices when it becomes famous!
Multi- Style Gewurztraminer Wine Tasting Long Lunch
Date : 16 July 2022
Time : 12:30pm to 3:30pm
Venue : Genuine Lamma Hilton Fishing Village Restaurant
Transportation : 11:50 am Ferry from Central Pier 4 Sok Kwu Wan Line or 11:00am Chuan Kee Ferry from Aberdeen Centre Promenade
Menu : Please click here
Fee: HKD 1128 per head
Early Bird Offer: Payment before 30 Jun 2022 HKD998 per head