義大利皮埃蒙特的傑諾連羅(Grignolino)葡萄比較鮮為人知。她和她的老鄉渌淇(Ruche) 命運和個性都十分相似;曾經一度瀕臨絕種,也是充滿玫瑰、紫羅蘭、槐花花香的葡萄品種。最明顯的分別是㜛齡時餘韻比較澀。傑諾連羅的意思是很多核,我暱稱她為核多多。因為核多,單寧也比較高,所以窖藏潛力十分高,一般的瓶齡可達30-40年。別看她酒體單薄,配肥膩的肉也卓卓有餘,而且很百搭。如果您喜歡黑皮諾,您也會喜歡核多多。蒙特巴拉的核多多陶瓶釀,是由獲獎無數的著名釀酒師路加卡馬拉連奴泡製,用古董陶瓶浸釀,原汁原味,風格天然、細膩骨子、高雅大氣。配得起木盒唷!
Wooden Box Wine
My cousin is my die-hard fan. Once she asked me: “Is that wooden box wine very expensive?”. I was stunned and ask: “What do you mean by wooden box wine”. She then told me: “My friend Simon told me that he had never tried those wine packed in wooden box. Is it very expensive?”.
I laughed and fell from my chair! Then I explained. Many producers pack their precious wine such as flag ship label in wooden case for safe logistic. Original wood case protects wine from shocks, breakage and theft. Almost all Classified Bordeaux from Haut Medoc are packed in wooden case. In general wine packed in wooden case are comparatively expensive. However many precious, fine, and rare wine are packed in cartoon boxes. For example: world renowned Pingus from Spain and Soldera from Montalcino Tuscany are packed in cartoon boxes though their good vintages are sold up to ten thousand HK dollars per bottle.
There is always exception. My cousin’s question reminds me that I have a small handful of “Wooden Box Wine” of good value for money.
Grignolino of Piemonte Italy is not well known among drinkers. It is very much like its folk Ruche in terms of destiny and character. It was once close to extinction. It is very floral with aromas of rose, acacia and violet. The biggest difference is the strong astringency in the after taste when it is young. The word “ Grignolino” indeed means a lot of pits. I created a nick name for it: Pitty. Since it has got lots of pits, it contains very high tannin. High tannin enable longevity in bottle. Cellar potential can be up to 30 to 40 years. It makes light bodied wine but can paired with heavy meat and it is very versatile. If you like Pinot Noir, you will probably like Gringnolino.
Montalbera Grignolino L’Anfora is made by awards winning wine maker Luca Caramelino. It is aged in antique amphora in order to keep the least human intervention and the original flavour. It is natural, delicate with much finesse, elegant and classy. Therefore, it is worth being packed in wooden box.

Montalbera Grignolino L’Anfora D’Asti DOC 2017 0.75 lit ( OWC 6 btls )
原價Original HKD 350/ btl
特價Special HKD 299/ btl
Special offer valid until 20 Jan 2023
Terms and Conditions:
-On Stock HK . 100% pre pay to secure order香港現貨 100% 預付
-First come first serve, goods sell while stock last.先到先得,售完即止
-Minimum order for free delivery for HK 3000/ Kln 4000/ NT 5000 Surcharge will be added for order lower than MOQ : HKD120 HL/ HKD 200 KLN/ HKD 300 NT 享受本地免運費,必須訂滿 港島HKD3000, 九龍HKD4000, 新界HKD5000. 訂額不足會有附加費: 香港島HK120, 九龍 HKD200, 新界HKD300
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