Coursodon Saint Joseph Rouge Le Paradis St Pierre 2012 歌須當酒莊聖皮爾樂園紅
Father and son, Pierre and Jerome Coursodon, produce stunning red and white St. Joseph wines in the town of Mauves. PIerre manages the vineyards while son, Jerome, is at the helm of winemaking. Pierre particularly emphasizes vineyard management as being crucial to making top quality wine. On the other hand, Jerome eschews dogma about anything regarding viticulture and vinification and is very willing to experiment with more modern techniques. For example, he regards fining or filtration as a positive in winemaking if properly used. Together, father and son are a formidable winemaking team.
皮爾及杰羅姆歌須當這對父子拍擋聯手釀造令人驚嘆的紅白酒。父親皮爾負責管理葡萄園,而兒子 杰羅姆主理釀酒。皮爾認為管理好葡萄園是釀製優秀葡萄酒重要的條件。杰羅姆對葡萄栽培及釀酒非常有熱誠,樂意嘗試不同新技術,例如他認為適當過濾有利於製造更出色佳釀。
Vintage 年份:
Country Origin 原產地:法國 隆尼河谷 聖約瑟
Saint Joseph , Cote Du Rhone, France
Varietal Grape 葡萄品種:
100% 施赫
100% Syrah
Tasting Note 鑒賞:
Deep and bright purple dress. Nose with elegant aromas of red berries and spice. In the mouth a fleshy, very complex. The tannins are many, one feels a ripe and concentrated raw material. The improvement over time will be highly appreciated (6-10 years). Perfect marriage of terroir and grape giving wines with wild sides, spicy, black olives, great character of the Saint-Joseph.
深而明亮的紫色酒色。紅色漿果和香料優雅的香味深深留在嗅覺當中。非常複雜而豐滿的味道。單寧豐富,誰都能嗅得出作為原材料的葡萄是既熟且甜時採摘。隨著時間的推移,這酒有所演進而將高度昇值(6-10歲)。 在聖若瑟的偉大沃土特質, 完美結合沃土和葡萄, 給葡萄酒有許多意想不到的精彩, 像香料和黑橄欖, 非常棒的聖約瑟屬土風格。
Critic's Rating 專家點評:Pt:91-93