Carnasciale Il Caberlot MAGS 2006 1.5L 康納耐莎莉-卡巴洛 2006
Il Podere Carnasciale
In recent years, Il Carnasciale’s Caberlot is one of the most distinctive Italian wines. It has mysterious varietal, Carberlot, which was discovered about 40 years ago near Verona and with annual production of 1,500 magnums only.
The story behind Il Caberlot dates back to the 60’s when the world renowned agronomist Remigio Bordini discovered the unique varietal growing in an old vineyard in Veneto. The grape has characteristics of both Cabernet Franc and Merlot and hence its name. It was the perfect choice of the Rogoskys as they were looking for something unique and different t to sough on their small Tuscan estate.
The Rogosky laid a bottle of Sassicaia in their vineyard when he planted his first vine in 1985, making a goal to be as excellent as this pioneering Super Tuscan. Now wolf’s dream came true! Only Michelin stars restaurant like L’Ambroisie and prominent wine fans will get limited allocation.
近年,康納耐莎莉-卡巴洛(Il Carnasciale’s Caberlot)是最具特色的意大利葡萄酒。卡巴洛是一個神秘的葡萄品種,四十年前在維羅納(Verona)附近被發現,年產量只有1500大瓶
卡巴洛的故事要追溯到六十年代,那時,世界著名的農學家瑞米格·波蒂尼(Remigio Bordini)發現了威尼托的一個老葡萄園裏種植了這獨特的品種。此葡萄兼具品麗珠(Cabernet Franc)和美樂(Merlot)葡萄的特質,因此被名為卡巴洛(Caber-lot)。這是瑞格斯凱斯(Rogoskys)的最佳選擇,因為當時他們正在為自己的托斯卡納小莊園尋找一些獨特、與種不同的品種來種植。
Vintage 年份:
Country Origin 原產地:
Tuscan – Italy 意大利-托斯卡納
Varietal Grape 葡萄品種:
Caberlot 卡巴樂
The 2006 Il Caberlot comes across as very shut down and intensely tannic at this early stage. With some coaxing the fruit gradually emerges, and sweet, mentholated, balsamic notes appear, yet this remains a reticent wine. Today there is little aromatic development, but that will come with time. Underneath the tannins lurks a wine of exceptional balance. Like a shy teenager, the 2006 Caberlot needs some time to overcome his awkwardness. The wine’s length and polish are superb.
Critic's Rating 專家點評:RP: 95