Fattoria Petrolo Galatrona 法朵莉亞·佩翠羅·加納翠羅 2009
Fattoria Petrolo
The vineyard named Boggina extends for 4 ha and it’s the oldest of the estate. It was plowed in 1947 by the former owner of Petrolo Ing. Boggina consists of Sangiovese vines and produces for the Torrione. In the course of the years, from time to time, different areas have been replanted, with clone and massale selection.
The Petrolo vineyards cover 31 ha , of which 26 ha are now in production, located at an altitude between 250 and 450 m above sea level. The soil consists of rocky stratifications of galestro, alberese and arenaria, typical of center Chianti. There is an average of 5000 plants per ha. The production is kept very low, every hectare yields around 20 Hl of wine with a total of approximately 550/600 Hl.
此名為波珍娜的葡萄園面積為4公頃,是酒莊最古老的葡萄園。酒莊由前任莊主佩翠羅·英格(Petrolo Ing) 於1947年開墾。波哥尼亞酒莊種植姍嬌維塞葡萄,生產托瑞翁(Torrione)葡萄酒。一年間,酒莊會於不同時間、不同地段,採用同種栽種和瑪莎拉選種(massale selection)的方式重新種植。
佩翠羅酒莊總面積為31公頃,位於海拔250米-450米高,其中26公頃正在耕種生產。泥土由不同層次的泥灰岩土(galestro)、石灰岩土(alberese)和(arenaria)岩石土壤組成,是典型的姬雁蒂中心土壤。平均每公頃種植5000株葡萄。生產量很低,每公頃生產大約20 hl葡萄酒,總共大約生產550/600 hl葡萄酒。
Vintage 年份:
Country Origin 原產地:Tuscany – Italy 意大利-托斯卡納
Varietal Grape 葡萄品種:100% Merlot 100%美樂
Tasting Note 鑒賞:The 2009 Galatrona is a beautifully centered wine. It shows terrific energy, freshness and vibrancy from start to finish. Cassis, blackberries, mint, spices and new leather are all woven together nicely in the 2009. Firm yet well-integrated tannins support the finish. Although quite overt today, the 2009 appears to have the structure to age well for a number of years. The 2009 is a serious wine with a bright future.