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Sulky Mully Shrimp Roe Noodle Small Economic Pack 尖嘴繆細滑蝦籽麵  經濟裝 細 252g

Sulky Mully Shrimp Roe Noodle Small Economic Pack 尖嘴繆細滑蝦籽麵 經濟裝 細 252g


香港隱世打麵師傅秉承傳統嚴謹製造蝦子麵。 精選食材、無防腐。細滑煙韌。炒、拌、放湯一樣爽滑。尖嘴繆的原型是小紅貓,全球只剩下不到一萬頭。尖嘴繆蝦子麵3%的收益,會捐贈給 Red Panda Network 用作保育小紅貓。希望有一天這個溫馴可愛的小動物數量增加到可以給人類飼養.


Artisan hand-made shrimp roe noodle manufactured by very low profile noodle master in Hong Kong. Top pick ingredients without preservatives . 

The prototype of the Sulky Mully is the Red panda, and there are less than 10,000 left in the world. 3% of the sales from Sulky Mully Shrimp  Roe Noodles will be donated to the Red Panda Network for the conservation of the Red Panda , hoping that one day the number of this gentle and cute little animal will increase enough to be petted by general public.

原料:台灣麵粉 鮮雞蛋 蝦子 元貝

Ingredient: Flour from Taiwan, fresh eggs, shrimp roe , conpoy.

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