915 和你T
網友們老覺得我們介紹的茶高不可攀。家裡又沒有功夫茶的傢伙,喝茶喝得大費周章,馬上掉頭跑 !
其實我們茶圈有一口頭禪 ;貴買便宜喝 ! 極品茶雖然貴,但只需要很少的茶葉,可以享受一整天。 也有簡約的方法享受。
天娜酒窖誠意邀請各位網友品嚐400年原生古樹普洱紅茶,配合爆紅台灣美食《土生土長 》茶果酥餅,亞洲美食界無人不愛。為饞不甘後人的你,怎能錯過?
小號辦公室位於德輔道中199號無限極廣場20樓(上環永安百貨旁),共用休憇空間寬敞,可以保持安全社交距離。謹訂於2020年9月15日 3:00-6:00 pm 和你T。
915 TWU
Netizens always think the tea we introduce is unreachable. There is no Kung Fu tea gear home and it takes too much trouble to make nice tea. So everyone turn their head and run!
In fact, our tea circle has a mantra; “buy high drink economical!” Although premium tea is expensive, it only requires a small amount of tea and can be enjoyed all day long. There are also simple ways to enjoy.
Tina Cellar sincerely invites all fans to taste the 400-year-old original Pu'er black tea, paired with the popular Taiwanese delicacy “On the Ground” Tea Fruit Shortbread. For those of you who cannot bear to taste last, how can you miss it?
The humble office is located on the 20th floor of Infinitus Plaza, 199 Des Voeux Road Central. It has a wide shared lounge space and can maintain a safe social distance. Look forward to seeing you on 15 Sep 2020 3:00pm 6:00pm.
Seats are limited, reservations are welcome.
預約電郵 Email: info@tinacellar.com