鐘情楊玉環的可以選擇龍德拉堡的旺圖村寶餮雅乾白2018。這莊園的酒引入香港才兩年就獲得小肥妹的美譽。酒體豐滿丶曲缐玲瓏丶內涵精彩,香杏、薑花丶薑黃丶杏仁丶牛油丶鳳梨嘩啦嘩啦的接腫而來,十分擠擁。我咸濕地形容為魔鬼身材穿少兩號比堅尼。嘗過2016、2017的酒友們都有同感。2018繼續精彩。配頂角膏蟹、盤龍鱔及紅炆斑腩,無以尚之!不愛海鮮的這酒配梅菜扣肉或梅子燜鵝,保證您會響應習大大的光盤運動!上週末酒友家中試過配豬腩肉,那黃梅杏子果醬味在舌尖上爆炸 !餘韻還有狐騷味兒。
Fishes Homeward Bound
It has been 4 full months that we have waited on our toes for the end of the close season.
To welcome the crew of Davy Jones including oysters and barnacles in the new season, Tina Cellar sincerely recommends two white wines to pair with seafood feast.
If you are a fan of Hepburn, no matter Audrey or Katherine, Domaines Les Carabiniers Lirac Blanc 2019, will be your glass of wine. It has a delicate structure, restrained and elegant white floral scent, faint chestnut, walnut, almond and cashew, but does not overwhelm reminiscent of white peach and faint apricot. Served with steamed or boiled seafood will complement each other. The 100-year-old winery registered the highest-level biodynamic manor Demeter. So be relax and enjoy pure and natural wine.
If you fancy Sophia Loren or Jennifer Lopez, Chateau Landra Ventoux Blanc Les Boutiers 2018 will be an unmistakable choice for you. Only two years after the wine was introduced to Hong Kong, it has gained the reputation of Little Juicy Girl. The wine is full-bodied, exquisitely mellow, and has wonderful connotations. Apricot, ginger, turmeric, almonds, butter, and pineapple comes like waves after waves in the Gold Coast for surfers, very crowded. I describe it bad-boyishly as the devil's figure wearing two sizes smaller Bikini. Drinkers who have tasted 2016 and 2017 all feel the same. 2018 continues to be exciting. Serving with crab full of roes, fat sea eel and braised Garoupa or Pomfret belly, you will need nothing more! If you are seafood allergic, this wine is ideal with Preserved Mei Choi Pork Belly or Braised Goose with Plume. I am pretty sure that you will echo with Chief Secretary Xi ’s Bottom Up Campaign. I tried it with pork belly last weekend, and the yellow plum and apricot jam flavours exploded on my tongue with a bit of foxiness at the finish.

法國 隆尼河谷 御林騎 黎赫 乾白
2019 Domaines Des Carabiniers Lirac Blanc -Rhone France 2019 0.75
單瓶 One Bottle HKD 268
6瓶 Six bottles HKD 1448
12 瓶 Twelve bottles HKD 2580
法國 龍德拉堡 旺圖村 寶餮雅 乾白
2018 Chateau Landra Ventoux Blanc -Rhone France 2018 0.75
單瓶 One Bottle HKD 298
6瓶 Six bottles HKD 1610
12 瓶 Twelve bottles HKD 2860
Special Offer until 18 Sep 2020
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