士別一年 刮目相看
老表的朋友偶爾會喝些紅酒, 他是個初哥。光顧過兩次之後,他說他想喝木箱酒。我愣了!第一時間聯想到波爾多的名莊酒,一般都是用木箱包裝, 比較昂貴。
“木箱酒”這個稱謂挺好玩, 對初學者來說是高檔貨。考慮到他初學,推薦了一款較經濟又易懂的意大利皮埃蒙特的“核多多”紅酒。
Grignolino 是皮埃蒙特的方言,是很多核的意思。一般都是紅娘的角色,用來併配芭芭拉和多策圖紅酒。獲獎無數、頑皮生鬼的釀酒師露加小甜卻丫環當小姐扮,用古老陶釀製, 並且用木盒包裝。 去年品嘗,覺得是美人胚子。心想:配角酒而已,對她沒有很大的期望。用陶瓶和木箱成本貴,為一款非主流品種來說,會否有點誇 張?
赤霞珠、美樂珠雄霸了酒壇數十年,沒有很大的突破; 更甚的是近日假貨甚多,很容易中伏。名不經傳的滄海遺珠往往叫人驚喜!畢竟露加小甜從來沒有讓我失望。
A Dramatic Change in One Year’s Time
A good friend of my cousin is an occasional drinker. After buying twice from me, he asked for “wooden box wine “. I startled for a second than I associated it with Classified Bordeaux which is normally packed in original wooden case at high price.
I think the name of “Wooden Box Wine “is pretty cute! For beginners, it looks like high end wine. Considering that he is a beginner, I am going to recommend a price friendly and easily understood wine “Grignolino “red from Piemonte, Italy.
Grignolino is a dialect from Piemonte maning a lots of pips. It is usually blended with Barbera and Dolcetto as a supporting role. The award-winning, non-conforming and mischiefing wine maker Luca Caramelino dressed up the supporting artist as the main character. He used amphora to age and original wood case to pack, that was costly. Wouldn’t it be a bit exaggerated for a non main stream varietal?
Last week I opened one bottle and tasted. To my surprised, it developed to a big beauty! The elements of Piemonte red: rose, violet and acacia lingered from beginning till the end, with subtle raspberry. sweet spice and nuts. The fragrance seemed to run through my nostrils. It was slender, delicate, and balanced and great. It will be an ideal red for summer when slightly chilled. Apparently Grignolino is an out-standing chaperone that can outshine the fair lady and worthy for amphora and wooden case.
Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot have been dominating the red wine world for decades without significant breakthrough. Lately there are many counterfeits for the main streams and big names. Instead, some overlooked varietals will surprise you. After all Luca Caramelino never lets me down.