酒壇巨擘珍西斯羅便臣評他與巴托洛馬斯卡拉羅(Bartolo Mascarello)為古典派的典範。是現今皮埃蒙特區中,僅存的兩個堅持用最傳統、最天然方法釀酒的死硬派。比起馬斯卡拉羅的淡雅婉約, 林瑙迪追求宏偉和深度。喬年輕時也玩過一會兒的摩登風,結果還是覺得傳統好。他學的是獸醫,1992年父親往生了他便成為了當家。秉承老父遺訓堅持傳統路。
他的代表作 Brunate-Le Coste ,有力拔山河的霸氣,陽剛味十足,濃稠化不開,耐人尋味。另一款Cannubi San Lorenzo and Ravera 則花果瀰漫,有如香薰,盡顯巴羅洛王者風範的本色。
遇到以下一手好貨,三代當家的作品也在其中。極品巴羅洛樽齡可以過百。人一世、物一世,難得遇上極品,萬勿錯過 !

Quint and Profound Giuseppe Rinaldi
I did not like Barolo when I was young because firstly, not many serious Italian wines were available on the market. Secondly, there were not good tools and tutors to help learn Barolo. Even though “Principal “Lau Chi Sun was devoted to promote Italian, there were no good examples to taste. Once a while we came across goodies, but the bottle age was too young to please drinkers. Until I had tried a bottle of 1945 Barolo treated by my ex-employer IWM, I realised why Barolo was regarded as the King of Wine and the Wine for Kings. Top Barolo is just like Asian gorgeous, you cannot feel their charisma before age of 40. Many are still at their prime at 60s. Loletta Chu and Yun Fat Chow are very good examples.
Wine guru Jancis Robinson speaks highly about Giuseppe Rinaldi and Bartolo Mascarello. They are classics of traditional Barolo and the die-hard producers that cling to the most traditional and natural way to made wine persistently. Bartolo Mascarello tends to be graceful and courteous whilst Giuseppe Rinaldi seeks more for profoundness and magnificence. Giuseppe tried modern style for a while but he eventually followed his old man’s opinion and went back to old school. He studied veterinary, when his old man passed away in 1992, he became the chief of his family business.
Traditional Barolo blends harvest from various crus to achieve the result of balance of wine inn a natural way. Giuseppe Rinaldi never made single vineyard wine. He made two blends with 4 crus in a very different way.
His master piece Brunate- Le Coste is very masculine, deep, concentrated and you have to enjoy it slowly to understand it. The other cuvee Cannubi San Lorenzo and Ravera is over-whelmed with floral and fruity notes, as aromatic as fragrance, and elaborates all the beautiful elements and nobility of the King of Wine.
Giuseppe passed away in 2018. He let his two beloved daughters to handle harvesting and vilification starting from 2014. His fans are very lucky that the estates are in good hands.
I have just come across a very nice badge of back vintages that includes works of their 3 generations. Top Barolo can be aged for a century. Life is too short for second best. Don’t miss it!

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