消失的酒友 靠譜的新堡
今次向大家推薦品質十分出眾的小農教皇新堡 ,御林騎2015。莊園有百多年歷史,年產量二千多瓶,風格十分精緻細膩,酒體不如一般新堡的霸氣,高貴雅緻,不遜孛艮地紅。單寧豐富得來幼滑,酒精十分內歛。正式注冊最高級別的生物動力學;性價比奇高。

快閃優惠 Flash Offer
今日起至十二月十九日 From now to 19 Dec 2021
Domaine des Carabiniers Chateauneuf du Pape 2015 0.75
御林騎教皇新堡紅 0.75
Original Price 原價 HKD668
Special Price 特價 HKD488
A Reliable Chateauneuf Du Pape
I made friends through wine parties for decades. Some became my die hard fans and some became distant; especially when I tend to collect more grower and biodynamic wine, even though big names sound more reliable but less value for money.
Sometimes big name might not be a guarantee for good quality. The fake wine scandal of Chateauneuf du Pape in 2018 is an example.
Among so many different labels and brands, there are negociants and growers and vintners. Raphael Michel is one of the biggest bulk wine merchant which source wine for producers for blending and bottling. In 2018, their chairman Guillaume Ryckwaert was accused of selling cheap Cote du Rhone reds to most of the big negociants as premium Chateauneuf du Pape. Since Raphael Michel has a long history and a good reputation, nearly all negociants were cheated. 500 million gallons of fake wine, equal to 2.23 million cases, were involved. Guillaume was released US 1.2 million on bail and finally was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment.
If you opened a bottle of Chateauneuf du Pape 2013 to 2016 and found it weird, most probably, you were bamboozled.
Growers always treasure their own land and serious to their grapes. Also, in most cases, the winery is right next to the vineyard, it keeps harvested grapes away from shocking during long distant transportation. Multi layer harvest berries by berries can make sure every single berry was picked at its optimum ripeness. It is similar to dinning on the Chef’s Table and sitting in a splendid dining room. Food smells better in front of the chef.
We are fortunate to have discovered a very lovely Chateauneuf Du Pape rouge by Domaine Des Carabiniers. The vineyard has a history of more than a hundred years. Annual production is around 2000 bottles. Usually Chateauneuf du Pape gives impression of bold, full bodied, powerful and expressive. This one is elegant, delicate with lots of finesse, like a red burgundy. Rich tannin but smooth, and the alcohol is well hidden. It is officially registered Demeter, the highest standard of Biodynamic; and super value for money with such quality.
Terms and Conditions 條款
• On stock HK 香港現貨
• Advance payment to secure order. 預付以確認訂單。
• Minimum 3K for free door to door delivery on HK Island /4K for Kln/ 5K for NT. 港島三千/九龍四千/新界五千以上訂單免上門運費。
• No min order quantity. May pick up at our office during office hour. (Pls make an appointment)不設最低起訂量, 可在辦公時間到上環辦公室取貨 ( 需預約) 。
• Valid until 19 Dec 2021. 優惠有效期至2021年12月19日。