
The Bigger The Merrier
Here we are talking about the size of the bottle.
I think we have had enough social distance and lock down. Big bottle of wine cannot be missed during the festival season. Still a bit hesitate with the crowd? Bring the bottle to Lamma. It is now the perfect time for alfresco wine and dine.
Big bottle makes you stand tall in the party. Choose one from the below and become the star of the show!
Only limited stock. Goods sell while stock lasts.

Terms and Conditions 條款
-100% advance payment to secure order. 百分百預付已確認訂單。
-Availability upon written confirmation. 供應量以書面確認為準。
-Min order HKD3000 for free delivery . Order below HKD 3K sur-charge HKD120 for HK Island, HKD200 for KLN, HKD300 for NT. 港幣三千元訂單以上香港九龍免運費。 港幣三千以下訂單附加本地運費 港島HKD120/九龍HKD200/新界HKD300。
-Delivery to Mainland China and Macau will be quoted separately. 國內澳門訂單運費另報。