《約會九千歲》茶道早午餐活動全場滿座。感謝各位茶友鼎力支持 !
時間:11:00 -15:00
地點:旺角上海街555號香港康得思酒店6樓 明閣
費用:每位 HKD988+10%
Encore Rendezvous Avec Nuef Milles Ans
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the tea fans who supported the < Rendezvous Avec Nuef Milles Ans > Tea Ceremony Brunch to be held on 1 Oct 2021. All tickets were sold out.
To satisfy the over whelming demand of our fans, we decided to host another one on 30 October 2021. For those who missed the 1 Oct 2021 event, please make haste!
Date : 30 Oct 2021
Time : 11:00 am to 15:00pm
Venue: Ming Court
Cost : HKD988 +10%