一眨眼原是來已跟莫飛雅結了十二年的緣。很多新讀者都不知道釀酒師Ales Kristancic 的種種逸事。廣東人叫做神神化化。他們家的莊園已有300 年歷史;祖父曾經拿AK47向共產黨掃射;自己是釀酒學本科生,康帝和柏翠斯的徒弟,社交舞黑池選手,彈得一手好結他; 跟東歐顯赫的音樂人Goran Bregovic 是老友, Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton,日皇明仁也是他的粉絲。權威葡萄大師Serena Sutcliffe評他為全球十大最具影響力的釀酒師。2019年 美國Wine and Spirits 雜誌選他為2019風雲釀酒師。他還創了兩種前所未有的釀酒方法,開始有人抄襲了。他的月亮酒和偉白被James Suckling 評為全球100強。
喝慣主流新派非天然雕琢、商業化酒的飲家可能不會喜歡他。我身邊的酒痴度對他愛不惜手。以上的名人都距離我們很遠,但香港酒業前輩KK Wong 對他有這樣的評價: Movia 的 Modri Pinot 與尊師康帝十分神似。Ritz Carlton 的品酒師稱他的作品為神級。
Ales 的長女Ela開始匡助老爸酒莊業務。這離經叛道的鬼才可以專心開創他的釀酒新境界。
Movia 的新年分灌瓶了! 6月30日前付款同一標籤整合6瓶可享9折優惠。12 瓶同一標籤可享8折優惠。
Genius VS Lunatic
Time flies! I have been representing Movia for 12 years. Many new readers do not know about this controversial wine makers, Ales Kristancic, for his very funny affairs. His family estate has a history of 300 years. His grandpa once shot the communist army with AK47. He himself is a degree holder of oenology, student of the Domaine Romanee Conti and Chateau Petrus, a Ballroom Dance Champion for the Black Pool, a fabulous guitar player, good friend of world renowned musician Goran Bregovic, with Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton and Emperor Akihito as his wine fans, prominent Master of Wine Serena Sutcliffe regards him as one of the top ten most influential wine makers in the world, US Wine and Spirits Magazine voted him as Producer of the Year in 2009. He invented 2 brand new way to make wine 20 years ago and now others are copying him. His Lunar and Veliko were selected by James Suckling as the 100 Best of the World.
For those who love mainstream wine with much human unnatural intervention commercial wine, Movia might not be your glass of wine. My wine maniac peers love him very much. Perhaps those celebrities above are a bit too far from us. Hong Kong wine industry senior Mr KK Wong says that his Modri Pinot (Pinot Noir) is very much alike his mentor DRC’s red. Sommelier of Ritz Carlton regards his skills as divine level.
Ales’ eldest daughter Ela is now helping the family business. I guess her eccentric old man can now focus on his pioneering of wine making skills.
4 years ago, I shared a bottle of Lunar 2008 with two French guys and wrote the below rhyme:
Today I make wine and people tease my lunacy.
Tomorrow who will intoxicate me with his artistry?
Let’s wait when your hair turns silvery,
It might be time that you see insanity as divinity.
New vintage of Movia has just released. For order of identical label of 6 bottles will
enjoy less 10% discount ; identical label of 12 bottles will enjoy less 20% discount
upon payment made on or before 30 June 2020.
*** Puros 0.75 lit are 9 bottles case
*** Puros 1.5 lit are 4 bottles case
-Pre-arrival ETA early Sep 預售貨品預計9月初到港
-100% advance payment to secure order 百分百預付確認訂單
-Availability subject to written confirmation 供應量須書面確認
-Prices inclusive of Shipping cost from Slovenia to HK 價格包括從斯洛維尼亞到香港運輸費用
-Minimum order HKD 3000 for HK local free delivery or surcharge of HKD150 訂單三千港幣以上免本地運費, 或附加費港幣150
-In case we loss the bid , full amount to be refund without interest within 14 working days 如不中標,全數貨款14工作天以內不含利息奉還
-Macau and PRC delivery charge and duty to be quoted separately 澳門國內運費稅費另報