美人本色- 我的小裸女
Barbera 芭芭拉葡萄十分粗生,個性又平易近人,紫羅蘭、黑櫻桃的主調十分易懂。有些義大利的前輩說,很久很久以前的皮埃蒙特的餐廳,人客一到,就免費贈飲一杯芭芭拉, 就如我們廣東餐館免費開茶。
為什麼叫她我的小裸女?因為先天條件好,好產地,好水土,壓根兒不用任何雕琢,已經美不勝收,再添筆墨就是浪費。這瓶小裸女,用了最少的人為干預,儘量發揮葡萄本來的真性情,因而得名。 見過素顏的鍾楚紅、王祖賢嗎? 我有幸見過,我是女人都心如鹿撞,怎叫男人不鼻血狂噴?
我保證這瓶小裸女絕對可以比肩康德奴的芭芭拉,而且比他更本色自然!大氣與格調也毫不遜色!紫羅蘭、塔斯曼尼亞黑櫻桃掀起貫徹始終,初段有皮革,末段有層層的香料,收尾是不折不扣的嘉應子! 單一莊園、單一老滕葡萄,結構嚴謹,渾然天成。
The True Colors of Beauty- La Mia Nuda
Barbera grape is very rough, with unique character and approachable. The core notes of violet and dark cherry are very easy to understand. Some Italian wine trade seniors said that long, long time ago, in restaurants in Piedmont, guests would be given a free glass of Barbara upon arrival, just like our Cantonese restaurants serving tea for free.
I have been running this wine business for more than a decade, but I have never dared to import Barbera because it is over-sold. There are too many cheap products on the market for people to get drunk. It is difficult to convince customers why they should spend hundreds of dollars to buy a bottle of the stuff that can be available at less than a hundred? After all, not everyone drank Giacomo Contorno’s Barbera! Worthy of being one of the top ten famous wineries in Piedmont, their Barbera is definitely not inferior to any Barolo; it is the most wonderful Barbera I have ever tasted.
In recent years, Montalbera Winery has launched La Mia Nuda Nizza DOCG ,(Literally , my Nuded Girl) a Barbera red wine produced in Nizza Village in the Asti Community. Tracking the origin, Nizza is the source of the Barbera grape. Winemakers unanimously recognize it as the area that produces the most perfect Barbera grape.
Why call her La Mia Nuda? It is because the congenital conditions are good, the terroir is good, the water and soil are good, and there is no need for any carving at all. It is already beautiful, and adding more work will be a waste. This bottle uses the least intervention of the imagination and tries its best to bring out the true nature of the grapes, hence its name. Have you ever seen Cherie Chung and Joey Wang without makeup? I have been fortunate enough to see that even though I am a woman, my heart is pounding like a deer. How can any man resist?
I guarantee that this bottle of La Mia Nuda can definitely compete with Conterno’s Barbera, and it’s even more natural than his! It is also as classy and stylish. Violet and Tasmanian dark cherries are introduced throughout, with leather in the early stages and layers of spices in the final stages, and the finish is an out-and-out spicy preserved plum! Single vineyard, single varietal old vines grape, well-structured and natural.

Montalbera Barbera La Mia Nuda Nizza D.O.C.G.
One Bottle HKD 458 .00
6 bottles HKD 2,304.00
12 bottles HKD 4,032.00
Terms and Conditions 條款:
-Limited HK inventory. 香港存貨有限
-Availability upon written confirmation 供應量須書面確認
-100 advance payment to secure order百分百預付以確認訂單。
-Minimum order for free delivery HK Island HKD3000/ Kln HKD 4000/ NT HKD 5000, other wise, delivery charge will be added : HK Island HKD 120/ KLN HKD 200 / NT HKD 400。港島訂單HKD3000/九龍HKD000/新界HKD5000免費送貨。否則附加運費港島HKD120/九龍HKD200/ 新界HKD400.
-For Macau and Mainland China, delivery charges will be quoted separately 澳門國內運費另報