黑松露食療功效多籮籮,含有維他命A、 B群、C 、 D、 E、 K、鋅、鐵、鎂、鈣、錳、硒、鏻、鈉、九種人體必需而不能自我生成的胺基酸、抗炎、抗氧化、抗癌、降內臟脂肪、減低糖尿病併發症風險、養颜和壯陽!洋人傳統的天然催情劑。按以形補形的理論,看來松露表面確實似人茘枝!🤣
天娜酒窖從六月開始,從源頭直飛香港,逢星期一中午12:00截單 ,直接從源頭意大利Umbria種植園收割,直飛香港,星期五到達,下午可以到無限極廣場12樓取貨。週末可以大快朵頤。
McDull and Truffle
We need more nourishment in Summer than in Winter because hot and humid weather slow down metabolism and excessive sweating causes losing of minerals. How can we boost appetite to take nourishments in sizzling summer?
The laziest and most delicious way is to have fresh black truffle.
Black truffle is a food with oil-soluble aroma and smells better when served cold. Just wash it clean, shave it and sprinkle it on top of food. It fully meets the requirements of Hong Kong people for being fast, good and scrumptious!
Black truffle is good for well being. It contains vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, K, zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, selenium, phosphonium, sodium, and nine kinds of amino acids that are essential for the human body but cannot be generated by itself. It is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer, lowers visceral fat, reduces risk of diabetic complications, beautifies and is an aphrodisiac! Traditionally Westerner believes that it is a natural aphrodisiac. According to the theory of shape complementing shape, it seems that the surface of truffles does indeed look like human balls! 🤣
Summer black truffle is the best value for money, and black truffle from Umbria, Italy is especially delicious, ranking among the best in the world. France’s Burgundy is most famous for winter black truffles, but Umbri’s winter truffles are by no means inferior.
It’s so simple to prepare, just spread it on scrambled eggs, on toast or instant noodles, and it becomes a luxurious breakfast. Shave a few slices on cheese and spaghetti, or a few slices on rice with lard and poached eggs with soy sauce. You can open a bottle of red wine for candlelight dinner. If you are a good cook, you can shave it on minced pigeon, with diced water chestnuts and pine nuts, and wrap with lettuce. After three years of epidemic, I guess everyone has become good at cooking and might have even more innovative black truffle recipes.
Starting from June, Tina Wine Cellar will fly directly from the source in Umbria to Hong Kong. The order cutoff is at 12:00 noon on Mondays. It will be harvested directly from the Umbria plantation in Italy and fly directly to Hong Kong arriving on Fridays. You may pick up at our office at 12/F Infinitus Plaza on Friday afternoon and enjoy it on the weekend.
We shall quote live market price on a weekly basis.
No wonder we all love cartoon figures McDull and McMug. These lovely piglets are good truffle hunters!

Umbria Fresh Black Truffle Weekly Quote :
HKD280 / 50g
最低起訂量 50克
Minimum order 50g
Terms and Conditions 條款
-100% advance payment 百分百預付
- Order cut off time12:00pm every Monday ETA Sheung Wan same week Friday截單時間逢星期一中午12:00pm, 星期五下午抵達上環。
- Above price does not include local delivery .Customer has to pick up at our office at 12/F Infinitus Plaza not later than 6:00pm on Friday. Sameday door to door delivery service to be quoted separately.
上訴報價不和本地運費。 人客須到無限極廣場12/F取貨。即日本地送貨上門服務另報。
- In case of delay due to airlines or force majeure not later than 48 hours, no refund will be entertained. 如果因為航空公司或是不可抗力原因導致延誤不超過48小時,退款要求將不予受理。