私人窖藏 移民折讓
又有荀盤 !
今次私人窖藏有波爾多那圖莊、龍船、智利經典 以及頂級的香檳。市值港幣兩萬多圓。一口價、好意頭 :一路發發發!
Private Cellar Parcel Moving Sale
We have another moving sale from private cellar. It includes Ch. Latour, Ch. Beychevelle , Almalviva and top class Champagne of market value more than 20K. Bargain sale for whole parcel.
HKD16,888.00 先到先得
HKD 16,888.00 First come first serve
Terms and Conditions 條款:
100% advance payment to secure order. 百分百預付。
Deliver charge : HK HKD 200 / Kowloon HKD300 / NT HKD450. 運費 : 香港島 HKD 200 / 九龍 HKD 300 / 新界 HKD450。
Delivery to Macau + customs clearing fee will be quoted separately.澳門運費清關費另報。