只有吸收了“日月精華” 的葡萄,它的宿命,也許頃刻間就會身價百倍。
“日月精華 大地厚德” 一個世紀以來,一直是龍德拉堡酒莊的座右銘。新莊主法蘭迪朗奴在2007年收購了並革新了莊園;只用生物動力學的方法釀製好酒;儘管只註冊有機。可持續不含添加。堅持不用硫磺,只用本地天然酵母釀酒。
Secrets in the Bottle
Before a good wine is bottled, the making starts from the vineyard to the cellar. Every detail is painstaking and complicated. Only those essence of the sun, soil and terroir will have a destiny of fame and fortune. The technique of wine maker enhances its content.
"Solis Solique Virtus Sola" (The only virtue of the sun and the ground) .For more than a hundred years, this motto has been featured on Château Landra wine labels. New owner Frederic Renoux took over this estate in 2007. He decided to make only natural wine that respects Mother Nature. Biodynamic approach though officially registered organic and insists sulfites free. Only local natural yeasts are used.
Average wine age 50 years old, sulfites free. Vivid and delicate grape fruit aromas, refreshing and long lasting. Full bodied with herbaceous notes. Ideal serving temperature 15-17 degree centigrade. Cellar potential 8-10 years. Best drinking window 2019-2022.

體驗味蕾小驚喜 Sweet Surprise for Taste Buds
House Red指定餐紅酒 P’tit Landra