- 赤霞珠-黑加侖子
- 美樂珠-車厘子
- 品麗珠-紫羅蘭
- 瑪爾貝克-巧克力,煙草
- 小味兒多-梅子,藍莓
經驗老到的飲家,都愛用勃艮第紅配中菜。單一葡萄品種品諾珠,卻有千變萬化的香氣,包容大道,從來不搶佳餚鋒頭,再肥膩的菜都無縫配合,更有“絲絨裡的剛拳頭”美譽。遺憾的是,夠成熟而像話的勃艮第紅都以數千元起跳。 這些年流行保本留命,喝勃艮第未免太豪了吧!
What to drink this Spring Festival?
If you have collected red wine for more than ten years, you may already know that Bordeaux-type red wines are not suitable for pairing with Chinese food.
What is Bordeaux red wine? In fact, it refers to red wine made from the following five grape varieties:
- Cabernet Sauvignon-Blackcurrant
- Merlot-Cherry
- Cabernet Franc-Violet
- Malbec – chocolate, tobacco
- Petit Verdot-Plum, Blueberry
From the above typical descriptions, you can also imagine that such a rich taste, paired with complex Chinese dishes, will overtax your taste buds.
Experienced wine connoisseurs like to pair burgundy red with Chinese dishes. Pinot Noir is a single grape variety, but it has ever-changing aromas. It is tolerant and never overtakes the dishes. It goes well with even the heaviest dishes, and it is also known as the "Iron fists in velvet gloves". Unfortunately, the mature and decent burgundy red starts at several thousands. In recent years, it is fashionable to save money and survive. Drinking Burgundy is a bit an extravagaza.
Not every household understands red wine. The Spring Festival is mostly spent with family. Just grab a bottle at random, it’s not sincere to abuse yourself, bring a good bottle, but you’re afraid of casting pearls before swine.
Let Montebara's Piemonte Rosso solve your dilemma! The floral, delicate Ruche mixed with 30% of the robust Barbera, which is a combination of strength and softness. Ruche’s tolerance is comparable to Pinot Noir, and can handle heavy Chinese food easily. The price is unbelievably friendly . Bring this wine to the New Year's Eve dinner, it's generous ,decent and cost effective. The excellent quality will surprise your guests.

Montalbera Piedmonte Rosso Fuori Catalogo DOC
蒙特巴拉 皮埃蒙特紅 2020 0.75L
1 bottle HKD 248
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