去年介紹的雲南野生筍菇醬又來了 !到今天我還未能完全破解這秘方。今年在我死纏爛打的攻勢下,嬉嬉仔(我的普洱生產商)的嫂嫂答應拍下製作過程。
嫂嫂只願意割愛100瓶150ml 。我自己留下15瓶。餘額85瓶公開發售。老客戶優先。下單吧! 手慢無 !

150ml HKD198
The Intriguing Flavours
The secret Yunnan Wild Bamboo Shoots and Mushroom sauce is back! Up till now, I cannot decode this recipe. This year, under my stalking, the producer (sister in law of my tea producer HeHe) promised to take photos of production process.
Annual production of this wild bamboo shoot is only 100kg, exclusive of wastage of peeling and de-stemming. This sauce is a family reserve recipe. Every summer between July and August, they hire labors to harvest the shoots in high altitude forest. They share it among friends and family, never for sale to the public. Until Hehe met my senior of tea ceremony and me to make him break the rule and bring it to HK, and share with buddies.
Sis is only willing to share 100 bottles of 150ml with me. I shall keep 15 bottles for myself and 85 bottles are open for my fans. Old customers are prioritised. Make haste!

Yunnan Bao Shan Wild Bamboo Shoots and Mushroom Sauce
150ml HKD 198
Terms and Conditions 條款:
-pre-arrival products ETA HK 15 Sep 2021。 預售貨品,預計9月15日到港。
-100% advance payment to secure order百分百預付確認訂單
-Limited stock, first come first serve. 數量有限 先到先得
-Purchase above HKD3K enjoy free delivery. For orders below HKD3K, we shall send by SF , courier fee paid upon delivery .Can be picked up at our office: 12/F Infinitus Plaza 199 Des Voeux Road Central. 購滿港幣三千免本地運費;不滿三千可安排順豐速遞到付。或直接到上環無限極廣場12樓自取