鴨 全部都是鴨 !Duck ! All the Way is Duck !
繼雞,全部都是雞《全雞宴》的成功,Tina Cellar 與 Pinot Duck榮譽呈獻 《淥淇鴨宴》。
Tina Cellar and Pinot Duck take pride to present the Ruche Duck Feast on 15 Sep 2017.
花間一壺酒 一壺花間酒 Redolence Gala
Most gentlemen will excuse themselves for wine they do not like by saying politely that it is a lady’s wine.
Impetuous Fire Ice and Desire冰火九重鮮 | Date: 7 July 2017
冰火九重鮮 《冰火》一詞在香港最早應該是見於黃玉郎的漫畫《冰火》五重天。
Impetuous Fire Ice and Desire In HK, the term first appears on the gangster comic of Wok Yuk Long.
2017 《橙酒》工作坊|Orange Wine Workshop 2017
Orange wine has been very popular in US and Japan for quite a while.
家花不及野花香 淥淇2.0 | Wild Roses Always Better Than Domesticated
Bad boys love this topic; so do good girls. In the world of fine wine and dine , this metaphor is universal.