From Snake to Lamb從蛇到羊
CNY is around the corner. Normally we do Chinese Zodiac fortune telling for the upcoming year. Obviously next year is the year of Rooster. Why talking about past years of Snake and Lamb?
The Bigger the Happier越大越高興
Unlike your peanut butter or shampoo, the bigger size of a wine bottle does not mean an economic or family size that make it a better bargain...
樂滿陸羽唐裝夜 Luk Yu Tea House Cheung Sam and Musical Night
Save the Day !
To welcome the early Chinese Lunar New Year of Rooster , let’s check your wardrobe for your Chinese dress.
Winter Surf and Turf
冬季海味臘味配 Winter Surf and Turf Menu 天娜酒窖誠意與你在餐桌上遨遊隆尼河。 臘味是除了野味之外、老饕冬季的至愛。 快來朵頤我們精選臘味配以夏維雅極高評價的美酒。 由12月19日起,在南丫漁村酒家供應。 最少6位人客,連5款美酒,每位 HKD668, 提前2天預訂。 Tina Cellar takes pride to lead you through an expedition on Rhone on the dining table. Cured meat, apart from game, is the most popular dishes for winter. Come savour the best selected cured meat and seafood dish paired with Xavier Vignon’s wonderful cuvees with high scores at invincible value. Available at the Genuine Lamma Hilton starting from 19 Dec 2016. Minimun number of guest 6 pax. Menu 1.椒鹽腰果哈哈 –椒鹽腰果雙蝦 Stir Fried Fresh and Dried Shrimps with Cashew and Spice Salt 2.波龍生死戀-蝦乾大白菜蒸波籠 Steamed...